Contact us

    Please let us know if you would like an airport pick-up or drop off

    Call us any time on +256 777 044 984

    Email: [email protected]


    Physical Address:

    84 Nsamizi Road, Entebbe, Uganda

    Driving Directions From Kampala:

    Take the main road to Entebbe International Airport. After passing the Laico Lake Victoria Hotel, take the next right hand turn that leads up the hill behind State House. Turn right at the end of this road, and look for the Karibu sign after 800m.

    Driving Directions From Entebbe International Airport:

    Take the main road to Kampala. After 5kms (Laico Lake Victoria Hotel will be on your right), take the left hand turn that leads up the hill behind State House. Turn right at the end of this road, and look for the Karibu sign after 800m.